Driving in Canada, as with anywhere, is not a right – it is a privilege; with that privilege come certain rules that you agree to abide by. If you stray from the rules of the road, the penalties can range from minor to significant, depending on which laws you break.
Speeding tickets
There are both mandatory minimum and maximum speed limits that must be followed by anyone who drives in Canada. If you are caught speeding, then you will be issued a speeding ticket. In most instances, a speeding ticket is a minor offense – unless you are driving recklessly, or 40km or more over the limit, or drinking and driving. If you show up for your court date, you can usually get a reduced fee and it won’t cause a hike in your insurance premiums. You can choose just to plead guilty and send in the fine, but it might end up costing you more monthly on your insurance for a guilty plea.
License suspended
According to the Highway Traffic Act 53.1, anyone who is caught driving a vehicle with a suspended license is guilty of a driving offense. The first time the driver is subject to fines of anywhere from $1000 to $5000. For each subsequent offense, the fine increases to $2000 to $5000 or the potential for imprisonment for up to six months. In some cases, drivers might face both. If you get caught driving while your license is on suspension, you can face stiff penalties, including a potential criminal record and not being able to obtain insurance in the future.
The reasons why your driver’s license might be suspended are many, but some of the most common are:
- Violating any G1 or G2 drivers license regulations and laws
- Acquiring too many points against your driver’s license
- Failing to pay a fine
- Speeding in excess of 50km/h
- Driving with a suspended license
- Performing any reckless or “stunt” driving activities
- Having a BAC more than .05mgs
- A court order by a judge for the suspension of your license
- Failure to pay any family or child support
- Medical restrictions or suspension
- Any civil judgment levied against you under the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act
- Being convicted of a criminal driving offense
Driving disqualified
In Winnipeg, you can be charged with driving disqualified if you are found guilty of breaking any Criminal Code laws like driving while impaired, refusing to take a breathalyzer test, dangerous driving, or driving over 80 mph. Each offense carries their own consequences, fines, and – in some instances – prison terms.
Driving without motor vehicle insurance
To drive a car in Winnipeg, you must carry the mandatory minimum car insurance, which includes third-party liability coverage with a minimum of $200,000, uninsured automobile coverage, statutory accident benefits coverage and Direct Compensation or property damage coverage. It is illegal to drive without the proper insurance, and you may be subject to harsh penalties or even a driver’s license suspension.
Driving without a license
It is illegal to drive a vehicle in Winnipeg without a license. If you are caught driving without one, then your car may be impounded for up to 30 days, and you can face fines up to $2000 and up to five years in prison. Driving without a license is a serious offense.
Careless driving causing bodily harm
If you are charged with careless driving and causing bodily harm, it is an extremely serious offense. If found guilty, you can face prison time of up to 10 years. If someone dies as a result of your careless driving, you may be facing 14 years in jail. Careless driving includes things like excessive speeding, driving while under the influence, and driving with a suspended license and causing bodily harm.
Highway Traffic Act
The Highway Traffic Act is a set of laws that every person who drives in Canada must follow. Driving is a privilege, and not following the law can come with stiff penalties and consequences. If you are charged with a driving offense – whether it is major or minor – it is imperative that you get the legal counsel of https://pinxlaw.com/ to help you build the best defense against charges possible.